Course Description

Understanding Influenza
Course Summary
Influenza, also called the flu, is one of the most common infectious diseases. It is common because of the ease that it may be transmitted from one person to another. There are specific signs and symptoms of an influenza infection. Influenza is distinctively different from a cold. An influenza patient will develop a cough, fever, malaise, and muscle aches but within two to five days the immune system controls the infection. The signs and symptoms abate and there are no long-term consequences. The amount and infectious level of influenza virus shed into the air and passed on between hand contact or contaminated surfaces is not fully known. Nonetheless, well-known health guidelines, prevention, and treatment exist that both patients, families, and healthcare workers should follow.
Course Objectives
- Describe the common signs and symptoms of an influenza infection
- Identify the differences between the cold and the flu
- Explain the complications of an influenza infection
Course Syllabus
- The Influenza Virus
- Transmission of Influenza
- Influenza Signs and Symptoms
- Influenza versus the Common Cold
- Complications of Influenza
- At-Risk Populations for Influenza Complications
- Treatment of Influenza
- Prevention of Influenza Infection
- Flu Vaccine
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