The Team

2004About CNA Zone
19+ Years of
High Quality Training
cnaZone was developed by the creators behind leading continuing education programs for over 200,000 health care professionals: for mental health professionals for Nurses for CNAs
Our goal is to use our experience and resources to help you provide your staff with high quality training in an easy and cost effective manner.
The Experts
Meet The Team

William A. Cook, Ph.D.
DIRECTORResponsible for course development and student support. In addition to his duties at, Will spent many years as a psychologist in private practice.

Doug Lawrence, M.S.
WEBMASTERDoug develops, manages, and maintains the website,

William J. Cook, M.S.
SENIOR PROGRAMMING CONSULTANTWilliam handles the programming and all other technical aspects of the site.
We welcome course submissions from Authors with expertise in relevant subject areas.
Our courses are referenced works. You can get an idea of the format by downloading the free course. If you are interested in writing courses for cnaZone, please send a CV and writing sample to