Course Description

Multiple Sclerosis
Course Summary
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. It is thought to be caused by an abnormal inflammatory process that is triggered in susceptible individuals by a combination of environmental, lifestyle, infectious, and genetic influences. The onset of multiple sclerosis is age-related and affects women far more than it does men. It is a progressive disease and many people who develop MS will eventually have significant disabilities. The four categories of MS are discussed, including drug and non-drug treatment.
Course Objectives
- Describe common signs and symptoms of MS
- Explain the presentation patterns of MS
- Identify medications that are used to treat MS
Course Syllabus
- Introduction
- Multiple Sclerosis and the Nervous System
- Cause of Multiple Sclerosis
- Statistics on Multiple Sclerosis
- Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
- Disease Patterns of Multiple Sclerosis
- Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
- Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis
- Caring for a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis
Target Audience:
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