Course Description

Hepatitis A, B, and C
Course Summary
Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) is caused by a viral infection. Depending on the type of hepatitis, prevention and cures are available, but hepatitis is still a disease with potentially serious consequences. Hepatitis A is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infectious person, while hepatitis types B and C can be transmitted by contact with blood or other body fluids. People infected with hepatitis C can have the virus in their blood and liver for many years and during that time liver damage will be slowly occurring, but they will have no signs or symptoms of the infection. Infection with hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer, as can hepatitis B. Health care professionals are exposed to blood and body fluids and are potentially exposed to the viruses that cause hepatitis. By following standard precautions and safe injection practice guidelines, a health care professional can effectively eliminate the risk of developing a hepatitis infection.
Course Objectives
- Identify the primary routes of transmission of hepatitis A, B, and C
- Discuss the signs and symptoms of hepatitis A, B, and C infections
- Explain Standard Precautions and Safe Injection Practices to prevent workplace infections with hepatitis A, B, or C
Course Syllabus
- Hepatitis Virus – Overview
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Healthcare Employee Protection from Exposure
- Standard Precautions and Safe Injection Practices
- Protocol Steps for Hepatitis Virus Exposure
- Risks of Infection from Exposure
- Case Study - Hepatitis C Treatment
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