Course Description

Self-Administration of Medications
Course Summary
Most people can safely self-administer their own medications, but if a mistake is made there is potential for harm and damage. The practice laws that govern the health care professional’s practice role in each state may require health care professionals who oversee patients’ medication self-administration to have special training, pass a test, and obtain certification. Basic knowledge about patient self-administration of medications includes evaluation of whether a patient can self-administer medications safely and accurately. There is potential for mistakes and harm but most patients can learn to self-administer medications effectively and safely if they are properly educated and supported to do so appropriately, and by following the “Six Rights” of safe medication administration.
Course Objectives
- Explain which substances are considered medications
- Identify the six “rights” of medication administration
- Describe a medication error
Course Syllabus
- Medication Self-Administration
- Definition of Medication
- Self-Administration of Non-prescription Medication
- Six “Rights” of Medication Administration
- Medication Errors
- Medication Side Effects and Drug Interactions
- Patient Education for Self-Administration
- Practical Tips for Self-administration
Target Audience:
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