Course Description

Chronic Kidney Disease
Course Summary
The renal system is a group of organs that form, stores, and excretes urine and has several other important functions including the vital role of maintaining homeostasis of the internal environment of the body. Chronic kidney disease can cause serious, long-term conditions and permanent harm involving irreversible damage to the kidneys. This damage is reflected by decreased kidney function, abnormal test results, renal system deterioration and medical complications. The incidence of chronic kidney disease varies based on patient demographics. Two types of dialysis are discussed, which include hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The role of the Certified Nursing Assistant within the dialysis team is raised as pivotal to successful patient care outcomes.
Course Objectives
- Identify several basic functions of the kidneys and the renal system.
- Identify common signs and symptoms of kidney disease.
- Identify the two most common causes of chronic kidney failure.
- Identify CNA responsibilities when caring for dialysis patients.
Course Syllabus
- Renal System Anatomy and Physiology
- Chronic Kidney Disease Statistics
- Signs and Symptoms of CKD
- End-Stage Renal Disease and Uremic Syndrome
- Hemodialysis
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Kidney Dialysis - Role of the CNA
- Case Study - Chronic Kidney Disease and Hemodialysis
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