Course Description

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Bloodborne Pathogens, Infection Control

Course Summary

Infectious diseases can be transmitted from person to person. They can be spread through the air, by contact with blood or other body fluids, by touching contaminated surfaces, or by contact with infected wounds. Microscopic organisms that can cause infection are everywhere in the environment, especially in the healthcare setting. To prevent infections from spreading to other patients, healthcare workers, or the community at large, all healthcare workers must understand how bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms are transmitted that cause infections. Through understanding and prevention, the transmission of pathogens can be decreased and minimized.

Course Objectives
  • Identify the basic definition of infection control
  • Describe the most common way microorganisms spread from person to person
  • List three body fluids/secretions that can be infectious
Course Syllabus
  • Introduction
  • The Basics of Disease Transmission
  • The Process of Disease Transmission
  • Transmission Precautions
  • Standard Precautions
  • Universal Precautions
Price: FREE

FREE with Unlimited Membership

Target Audience:





Kristina (Tia) Neu

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