Course Description

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
Course Summary
When a person with a history of chronic alcohol use stops drinking alcohol, there is the risk of developing alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Healthcare workers need to understand and anticipate the underlying physical responses to chronic alcohol use and withdrawal, and the recommended methods to evaluate the severity of the patient’s level of withdrawal to initiate proper treatment. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can cause life-threatening health complications and death. The physical signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and the role of the caregiver, including the Certified Nursing Assistant to support the affected patient through recovery are discussed.
Course Objectives
- Identify how alcohol causes intoxication.
- Identify the blood alcohol level that is considered to be legal intoxication.
- Identify signs and symptoms of acute alcohol intoxication.
- Identify the most important criteria that define alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
- Identify CNA responsibilities when caring for patients in alcohol withdrawal.
Course Syllabus
- Alcohol Use Disorder and Public Health Burden
- Alcohol Intoxication
- Blood Alcohol Levels
- Causes of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
- Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Signs and Symptoms
- Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Treatment
- Complications and Supportive Care
- Case Study - Alcohol Withdrawal
Target Audience:
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